New Day Rising

2018-04-26 | Career

Big news! On Monday, 2018 April 23, I started a new job as the first Technical Architect at Contentful in beautiful downtown San Francisco. (No, this blog being powered by Contentful is not a coincidence. 😀)

If you're not familiar with Contentful, we sell content infrastructure. Put another way, it's an API-first content management system. Biz folks and content editors get a CMS, developers don't have the headaches of one. Or put differently still:

As you can probably imagine, I'm stoked, and my first week has done nothing but encourage those feelings. I can tell you without any reservation that my new coworkers are insanely impressive. If you're in the market for a new way to manage content and talk to one of our sales engineers (my counterparts pre sale), you're in for a treat. Me, I'll be working with our clients on how they can best implement the product post sale.

Copyright © Jim Sam